Echoes of the Whispering Thorn

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Welcome to the Sword Coast

The western region of Faerun, The Forgotten Realms.

Neverwinter, known as the "Jewel of the North," is a bustling and resilient city on the Sword Coast in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. Famous for its skilled artisans, warm climate, and vibrant culture, the city is a beacon of civilization amid the wilds. The city is renowned for its beautiful architecture, featuring structures with intricate designs and elaborate gardens, making it a favored destination for adventurers and traders alike.

Map of the Sword Coast, Faerun

Meet the party

Thalia Thorn

Race: Human
Class: Wizard

A tall figure cloaked in tattered robes, their sharp eyes scan the horizon, always seeking the next hidden danger.


Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wizard

An elderly scholar, frail yet wise, with a walking stick carved from ancient wood, speaking cryptic prophesies only they understand.


Race: Aasimar
Class: Paladin

A brash mercenary, muscles rippling beneath scarred armor, with a crooked grin and a quick temper, always ready to fight.


Race: Elf
Class: Cleric

A quiet artist, eyes filled with wonder, constantly sketching, their stained fingers weaving images from both dreams and nightmares.


Race: Changeling
Class: Bard

A battle-hardened soldier, helmet dented, face etched with deep lines, haunted by memories but unwavering in loyalty and duty.


Race: Tabaxi
Class: Rogue

A nimble thief, light on their feet, fingers deft, always lurking in the shadows, seeking opportunities unseen by others.

Character Playlists